Project Cold Days

Project Cold Days

Cold Days is a documentary about homelessness during the cold Ottawan winters. If you’re picturing an Australian winter, think again. We’re talking knee-deep in a snowy blizzard winter.

Stephen R. Coleman and his team have been working on the documentary, unfunded, for over two years so the recent $1,000 grant from Awesome Ottowa was welcomed with open arms.


“Our main goal is to produce a beautiful film which will be intriguing for people to watch,” explains Stephen. “From the microcosm of each individual to the macrocosm of the city, we want to explore what life is like in the winter for people struggling. At the same time, we want to highlight the triumph of the human spirit and the beauty contained within those struggles.”

Stephen’s team has spent hundreds of hours volunteering at shelters around Ottowa over the last two years and has worked closely with The Shepherds of Good Hope and its clients to build trusting relationships.


Cold Days released a teaser trailer in September to show what they have achieved thus far, and are to finish filming in the coming winter months with the final component to complete being Stephen living homeless for a month with the main subjects of his film – 24 hours a day.

The documentary teaser is eye-opening and well worth a watch. It looks like these people could benefit with a Survival Candle by Stephen Fewson.

If you have a creative community project that encapsulates this level of awesomeness, then we’d love to hear from you.