The Super Pollinators – Aussie Native Bees

The Super Pollinators – Aussie Native Bees

Environmental educator Abbie Mitchell spreads the buzz about Aussie Bees to primary school students.

Mitchell is launching her ‘Super Pollinators’ workshops which teach students about the importance of pollination, the role of the introduced honeybee, as well as learning about the threats to the honeybee worldwide.

In the 1.5 hour workshop, kids learn about the bee species that live in their area, each build a bee hotel for solitary native bee species (to take home), get to view a collection of preserved local insects (including bees) under a magnifying light and receive (where available) a free native plant to grow near their bee hotel.

There are more than 200 species of native bees in the Sydney area, vital for pollination of crops and biodiversity function.

The delivery of the workshop is via an awesome presentation in which Mitchell has sourced the most mind blowing bee images that have kids captivated.

The presentation also covers the different quirks of the native bees which combined is essential for maximum pollination success.

The beauty of this workshop is that kids feel empowered, they are able to take their beautiful bee hotel home, sharing their new knowledge with family and friends. The result being that kids are educating the community and will make better environmental decisions as adults.