Awesome Louisville embraces Queer Kentucky
From time to time at Awesome Newcastle, we like to check in with other Awesome initiatives worldwide. Check out our friends in the Bluegrass State and what one city is doing for the LGBTQ+ community.
At Awesome Louisville, they recently gave away $1000 to Queer Kentucky. Here’s how they’ll spend the $1000 cash:
Here at Queer Kentucky, our mission is to bolster and embrace Queer Kentucky culture through stories, art, and action.
We are working to create a larger platform with informational articles that affect the Queer community of Kentucky. One of the struggles we face is finding doctors and medical facilities that are understanding, compassionate and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.
We are already working with an investigative reporter on this project and we would love to compensate them for their work.
We wish the best to the Awesome Louisville crew and also Queer Kentucky!