November Awesome Newcastle ends Nicely
After another interesting year of in-person and digital Awesome Newcastles, we were quite pleased to wrap up our last one in the flesh at our lovely watering hole, The Criterion. Our last Awesome Newcastle in public was in June, so it was quite a delight to reunite.
Along with our fabulous regulars, we welcomed th..
We’re all over Awesome October
Last night we held what we believe to be our final digital Awesome Newcastle of the year! As the clocks kicked forward, we kicked back and enjoyed good ideas and afternoon sun. We welcomed three guest board members: returning guests Marty Spiers of Approach Accounting, and Aleeta Cliff of Hudson Street Hum. We also w..
Awesome Newcastle Zooms into Spring
Sadly the lockdown continues into the joyous new season of rebirth, but fortunately Awesome Newcastle has plenty of tools to manage! Last night we enjoyed sips via screen after watching our three finalists present very different, but lovely ideas.
We welcomed three guest board members, returning board members Anne..
Digital and Dynamic Awesome Newcastle August!
As luck and other circumstances would have it, Awesome Newcastle went back online last night for another Awesome Newcastle. Videos were watched, drinks were poured and, most importantly, money was transferred. We’re not gonna let a pesky pandemic stop us from giving 1000 bucks to amazing ideas!
Last night’s guest ..
Awesome Newcastle June is winter wonderful!
Last night we got together for another Awesome Newcastle at The Criterion, and what fun we had! With an intimate crowd and plenty of energy, the night kicked off to a great start. We quickly got down to business.
This month was an exciting one for our board members. We welcomed back Graham Batten and as of this mo..
Awesome Newcastle parties with Hunter Innovation Festival
In 2019 we had a great time collaborating with the Hunter Innovation Festival, so we were thrilled to do it again last night! As is the tradition, Awesome Newcastle was open to the public, and The Criterion hosted a lovely, lively crowd. Thank you to all the kind people who came out and showed support.
Last night ..
Awesome Newcastle April is intimate and inspiring
We did it again! Last night’s Awesome Newcastle was intimate, inspiring and informative. We were down a few board members due to it being so soon after the Easter Weekend, but never-the-less we gathered, gabbed and gulped down a beer from our lovely venue, The Criterion.
This week we welcomed several returning gue..
March’s Awesome Newcastle is Bike Rides, Art and Music!
Last night The Criterion graciously hosted March’s Awesome Newcastle! We entered the autumn season and enjoyed the last of the leisurely sunny evenings for a while.
We sipped bevies and chatted with new and familiar faces in the room. This month the board welcomed back Graham Batten of Newcastle Permanent Charita..
Kicking off Awesome Newcastle 2021
After a year of many Awesome Newcastles via video pitches and Zoom calls, we were overjoyed to be back in action last night at The Criterion Hotel! We caught up, had a chat, had some chips, and began to read the room of interesting characters.We welcomed five guest board members last night including first timers: Lau..
Awesome November wraps up 2020 in the flesh!
After several months of uncertainty, Awesome Newcastle was back at The Criterion last night ready to rock and roll! As is tradition with the last Awesome of the year, we brought back three fantastic finalists from 2020 to give them another shot at winning some cold hard cash.
We had six guest board members last nigh..